Main Bhi Dilli
The Main Bhi Dilli Campaign is a voluntary effort by more than forty organisations to inform the upcoming Master Plan of Delhi-2041 in a manner that is more representative and inclusive.
The Master Plan is a document prepared by the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) for 20-year periods. It lays down land-use regulations, planning policies and design norms for the city. The next iteration, MPD-41, is due for the years 2021-2041. By starting public discussions on the kind of city the people of Delhi want through public meetings, workshops and advocacy, MBD is rooted in the realising citizens’ right to the city.
In November 2019, and July 2020, members of the campaign presented fact-sheets to the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA), for further consultation to the DDA. They covered topics on urbanism, ranging from home-based work practices and construction worker safety, to housing and transportation. City Sabha presented a fact-sheet on Delhi’s public spaces in 2019, which was revised for the 2020 set of reviews. An extract can be found below.
More information can be found on the Campaign Website, Twitter and Instagram.
Public Spaces as a Thematic for MBD-2041
An extract of the fact-sheet by City Sabha, for the Main Bhi Dilli Campaign. The full PDF can be downloaded here.
Campaign Graphics for Post-Pandemic Awareness
These visuals were designed and developed in collaboration with Social Design Collaborative, as part of the MainBhiDilli Campaign, to raise awareness on health and safety measures, in post-pandemic Weekly Markets across Delhi.
Do email us for a copy should you require it for your neighbourhood or local marketplace!